Quality Assurance and Testing
Software Quality Assurance and testing has undergone one of the quieter revolutions in the world of IT. Automated testing has improved testing thoroughness while speeding up the process. It’s a breakthrough that needed to happen as much as the software defined data center. At the same time, interoperability plays a greater role than ever in the enterprise software world, and testing the interplay of so many platforms and apps, each with its own update schedule, means that humans will be needed for QA and testing work for some time to come.
Enterprise network virtualization also creates new needs for testing as virtual machines and functions proliferate. Even if NFV testing is largely automated, extensive setup and analysis are required that can place great demands on the tester. If you’re contemplating an orchestrated virtual environment, especially one under a continuous update model, a partner with solid experience in virtual function and cloud testing ranging from OSS/BSS integration to orchestration is highly recommended. We can help.